Arbre compact:
Sancho Iii Alfonsez Castile

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Renaud I Count Palatine Of Burgundy
986-1057 ‎(71)‎
Aimery Iv Viscount Thouars
1015-1093 ‎(78)‎
Raimund Berenger I Barcelona
1023-1076 ‎(53)‎
Otto ‎(Count)‎ A
952-1101 ‎(149)‎
Arbre compact: I4312Arbre compact: I4240Arbre compact: I4383Arbre compact: I13215
Guillaume I Count Burgundy
1040-1087 ‎(47)‎
Arbre compact: I4254 Raimund Count Of Burgundy
1065-1107 ‎(42)‎
Arbre compact: I4247 Ildegarde Countess Of Thouars
1041-1092 ‎(51)‎
Raimund Berenger II Barcelona
1055-1082 ‎(27)‎
Arbre compact: I4314 Raimund Berenger III Barcelona
1080/81-1131 ‎(49)‎
Arbre compact: I3734 Mathilda ‎(Maud)‎ D' Apulia
1059-1083 ‎(24)‎
Arbre compact: I4313Arbre compact: I8335Arbre compact: I4241Arbre compact: I9809Arbre compact: I8330Arbre compact: I4385
Adelais ‎(Judith)‎, Princess Normandy
Auremgarde Moulcon
Almodis de La Haute Marche
1000-1071 ‎(71)‎
Sigelgaita Princess Of Salerno
Alfonso Vii "Pierre-Raimund" Castile & Leon
1105-1157 ‎(52)‎
Arbre compact: I8317 Sancho Iii Alfonsez Castile
1135-1158 ‎(23)‎
Arbre compact: I8332
Berenguela Raimundo de Barcelona
1108-1148/49 ‎(41)‎
 Arbre compact: I8336Arbre compact: I8331
Ferdinand I, "The Great" Castile
1005-1065 ‎(60)‎
Robert Prince Of France
1011-1076 ‎(65)‎
Berenger Viscount de Rodes
1029-1073 ‎(44)‎
Foulques Ii "le Bon" Count Of ANJOU Anjou
909-958 ‎(49)‎
Arbre compact: I8421Arbre compact: I4237Arbre compact: I8404Arbre compact: I4387
Alfonso Vi, "The Brave" Castile & Leon
1040-1109 ‎(69)‎
Arbre compact: I8370 Urraca Alfonsez Queen Castile & Leon
1082-1126 ‎(44)‎
Arbre compact: I8371 Constance Princess Of Burgundy
1046-1093 ‎(47)‎
Gilbert Milhaud
1055-1107 ‎(52)‎
Arbre compact: I8360 Dulce Aldonza Milhaud
1095-1190 ‎(95)‎
Arbre compact: I8361 Gerberge, Countess Of Provence
Arbre compact: I8422Arbre compact: I8424Arbre compact: I8405
Sancha Princess Of Leon
1015-1067 ‎(52)‎
Ella Ermengarde ‎(Helie)‎ Semur
1016-1109 ‎(93)‎
Adyle Viscountess de Carlat