Compact Chart:
Maurice de Berkeley

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Thomas "The Wise" Berkeley
1245-1321 ‎(76)‎
Eudo ‎(Eon)‎ La Zouche
1244-1279 ‎(35)‎
Compact Chart: I1342Compact Chart: I1350
Baron Maurice "The Magnanimous" Berkeley
1271/72-1326 ‎(54)‎
Compact Chart: I1118 Baron Thomas "The Rich" De Berkeley
Compact Chart: I1119 Baroness Eve La Zouche
1289-1314 ‎(25)‎
John Betteshorne
Compact Chart: I1343Compact Chart: I927Compact Chart: I1351Compact Chart: I932
Joan de Ferrers
1248-1309/10 ‎(62)‎
Millicent de Cantilupe ‎(Cauntelo]‎
1250-1298/99 ‎(49)‎
John de Berkeley
1351-1428 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I788 Maurice de Berkeley
1398-1460 ‎(62)‎
Compact Chart: I789
Elizabeth Betteshorne
 Compact Chart: I928Compact Chart: I933
John Clivedon
Compact Chart: I1126 Katharine Clivedon
1310-1385 ‎(75)‎
Compact Chart: I1127 Emme NN
NN Goda

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