Compact Chart:
Waldeve ‎(Waltheof)‎ de Dunbar

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Maldred Earl Of Dunbar
1015-1045 ‎(30)‎
Ethelred Ii "The Unready", King Of England
968-1016 ‎(48)‎
Compact Chart: I7254Compact Chart: I3742
Gospatric, Earl Of Northumberland
1040-1075 ‎(35)‎
Compact Chart: I7089 Gospatric Of Northumberland
1062-1138 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I7845 Aethelreda Princess Of England
Compact Chart: I8914Compact Chart: I7846Compact Chart: I4346
Ealdgyth ‎(Aglithia)‎, Princess Northumberland
Alfgifu ‎(Aelflaed)‎ Queen England
Gospatrick de Dunbar
1090-1166 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I6022 Waldeve ‎(Waltheof)‎ de Dunbar
1125-1182 ‎(57)‎
Compact Chart: I5703
Derdere Mrs Dunbar
 Compact Chart: I7568
Mrs-Gospatrick Earl Of Dunbar