Compact Chart:
Sarah Katz

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Shimshon HaCohen Katz
Jehuda ben Bezal'el Löw
רבי יהודה לאו המהר"ל מפראג

1515-1609 ‎(94)‎
Eliser Todros
Bezalel b. Chaim Löw
Compact Chart: I28589Compact Chart: I24754Compact Chart: I28622Compact Chart: I28615
Yitzhak HaCohen Katz
1550-1624 ‎(74)‎
Compact Chart: I28587 Chaim HaCohen Katz
1582-1635 ‎(53)‎
Compact Chart: I24760 Vögele b. Bezalel Löw
1555-1629 ‎(74)‎
Todros Eliser Todros
Compact Chart: I28613 Eliser Todros
Compact Chart: I28614 Hendl b. Bezalel Löw
Compact Chart: I28590Compact Chart: I28585Compact Chart: I24755Compact Chart: I28623Compact Chart: I28612Compact Chart: I28616
Feigele NN
Perla Schmelkes-Reich
1528-1610 ‎(82)‎
Jehudit b. Chaim Löw
Dina Glitschiber
Simon Katz
1625-1694 ‎(69)‎
Compact Chart: I28583 Sarah Katz
1670-1728 ‎(58)‎
Compact Chart: I28584
Mariana Todros
1640-1672 ‎(32)‎
 Compact Chart: I28586
Bella b. Samuel Löw
1605-1677 ‎(72)‎

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