Compact Chart:
Edel Bacharach

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Shmuel Bachrach
Lemlin Bacharach
Compact Chart: I24882Compact Chart: I24884
Isaak Bacharach
Compact Chart: I24880 Mendlen Isaak Lauchheim-Bacharach
1530-1599 ‎(69)‎
Compact Chart: I24881 Brendel Lauchheim-Bacharach
Jacob Bloch
1550-1610 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I24878Compact Chart: I24887
Samuel Mendel Bacharach
Compact Chart: I24723 Edel Bacharach
1605-1668 ‎(63)‎
Compact Chart: I24724
Henlen Bloch
1575-1643 ‎(68)‎
 Compact Chart: I24879
Zeligman Weissenburg
Simon aus Boppard KaZ
Compact Chart: I24886Compact Chart: I25418
Moshe Weissenburg
1500-1552 ‎(52)‎
Compact Chart: I24885 Edel Weissenburg
1532-1599 ‎(67)‎
Compact Chart: I25417 Gutlin Boppard
Compact Chart: I25419
Blume Aschaffenburg

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