Compact Chart:
Hannelore Botticher

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Carl Botticher
Erich Karl Julius Justus Emil Garthe
1853-1932 ‎(78)‎
Compact Chart: I20801Compact Chart: I20796
John Botticher
1892-1977 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I20800 Hannelore Botticher
1926-1956 ‎(29)‎
Compact Chart: I20795
Erika Johanna Julie Hedwig Franziska Garthe
1889-1977 ‎(88)‎
 Compact Chart: I20802Compact Chart: I20797
Ella Furhmann
Maria Friederice Auguste Johanna Viereck
1869-1952 ‎(82)‎

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