Compact Chart:
Eustace, King of England

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Eustache I Count Boulogne
Godfrey, Duke Of Lorraine
1006-1070 ‎(64)‎
Compact Chart: I10172Compact Chart: I9820
Etienne Henri II, "Le Sage", Count Of Blois & Meaux & Brie & Chartres & Tours
1045-1102 ‎(57)‎
Eustache Ii, Count De Boulogne
1030-1093 ‎(63)‎
Compact Chart: I9720 Eustache Iii Count Boulogne
1059-1125 ‎(66)‎
Compact Chart: I9721 Ida de Bouillon
1040-1113 ‎(73)‎
Compact Chart: I9618Compact Chart: I11501Compact Chart: I9638Compact Chart: I9821
Mahaut Of Louvain
Ode, Duchess Of Lower-Lorraine
1006/07-1053 ‎(45)‎
Stephen ‎(Etienne)‎ King England
1095/96-1154 ‎(58)‎
Compact Chart: I9582 Eustace, King of England
Compact Chart: I9583
Mathilde I Countess Boulogne
1105-1151 ‎(46)‎
 Compact Chart: I9619Compact Chart: I9639
Duncan I King Of Scotland
1013-1040 ‎(27)‎
Edward "Atheling" Prince England
1016-1057 ‎(41)‎
Compact Chart: I4231Compact Chart: I9806
Adela ‎(Alice)‎ Princess England
1062-1135 ‎(73)‎
Malcolm Iii "Ceanmor" Scotland
1033-1093 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I13427 Mary Princess Of Scotland
1084-1116 ‎(32)‎
Compact Chart: I4202 Margaret "Atheling" Princess England
1043/44-1093 ‎(49)‎
Compact Chart: I4232Compact Chart: I4234
Sibyl Fitzsiward
1014-1040 ‎(26)‎
Agatha Von Brunswick
1018-1024 ‎(6)‎