Compact Chart:
Cecilie Jacobson

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Moshe Moyses Nachod
Compact Chart: I24852
Simcha Nachod
1723-1800 ‎(77)‎
Compact Chart: I24849 Naftali Nachod
1765-1821 ‎(56)‎
Compact Chart: I27884 Selde NN
Compact Chart: I24853Compact Chart: I24653
Sara Hiendle Altschul
Carl Jacobson
1807-1880 ‎(73)‎
Compact Chart: I25397 Cecilie Jacobson
1846-1908 ‎(61)‎
Compact Chart: I25396
Caroline Nachod
1808-1885 ‎(77)‎
 Compact Chart: I24850
Salomon Bondi
1735-1806 ‎(71)‎
Compact Chart: I24669
Benjamin Liebling
1745-1813 ‎(68)‎
Compact Chart: I24851 Bertha ‎(Bella)‎ Liebling
1781-1851 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I24804 Grendel Bondi
1760-1781 ‎(21)‎
Compact Chart: I24791
Roesel Kohn

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